Yacht Lagoon 42

Our Yacht

Lagoon 42

During our training and charter trips, we collected many nautical miles on various monohulls. At some point, it was clear that we would also become interested in multihulls.
In the end, the characteristics of a catamaran outweighed those of the known ones, namely its space, relatively good stability in rough seas and little heeling while sailing, so, with that, we decided to realize our dream yacht.

Smaragd, the Name:

Due to our former passion for wine growing, which is still connected to the Vinea Wachau, we decided to dedicate the name of the lizard to our yacht, which on the one hand is the best wine of the Wachau and on the other hand is one of the rarest and most beautiful reptiles in Europe.
Your Sailing-Smaragd-Team/Karin&Stefan

Smaragdeidechse, Lacerta viridis – die östliche.


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